SONEMUS FEST is a fesival that hosts local and foreign musicians-soloists, chamber orchestras and ensembles performing contemporary artistic music and organises their concerts and tours in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Čast nam je i zadovoljstvo pozvati Vas na najnovije izdanje SONEMUS Festa, jedinog festivala savremene umjetničke muzike u Bosni i Hercegovini koji djeluje već 22 godine.
U historijskom trenutku, u kojem ponovo svjedočimo nepremostivim i neizmirljivim, često krvavim sukobima (političkih/kulturnih/religijskih/etničkih, itd.) identiteta, čini se kao da na globalnoj razini odustajemo od ideala društvenog progresa utemeljenog na univerzalnim humanističkim vrijednostima, što posljedično vodi i odustajanju od ideala o slobodi kao osnovnom ljudskom pravu i obilježju. Konformistički prepuštajući društveni napredak razvoju tehnologije, u uzaludnoj vjeri da tako možemo izbjeći vlastitu odgovornost, zatvoreni u identitetske balone virtualnih “istina”, postepeno tonemo u visokotehnologizirani korporativni feudalizam, koji nužno eksplodira u izljevima iracionalne agresije.
Upravo kao vid otpora ovakvom stanju stvari, a u tradiciji umjetničke muzike koja od Beethovena do danas proklamira ideju o univerzalnosti ljudske slobode stvaralaštva (jer sloboda se uvijek iznova stvara, dok je razaranje njena negacija), održava se i ovogodišnji SONEMUS Fest.
Prvim koncertom “Hommage à Ligeti” (ponedeljak, 30.10.2023. u 20:00) SONEMUS obilježava 100 godina od rođenja jednog od najznačajnijih kompozitora 20. stoljeća, Györgyja Ligetija. Pored bosanskohercegovačkih premijera originalnih Ligetijevih kompozicija na programu će se naći i djela drugih kompozitora koja se referiraju na njegovo muzičko nasljeđe, poput kompozicije mlade bosanskohercegovačke kompozitorke Hanan Hadžajlić, kao i djela za dva klavira u četvrttonskom štimu međunarodno renomiranog Georga Friedricha Haasa. Kao uvod u koncert, s početkom u 19:00 biti će održano i javno predavanje o Ligetijevom stvaralaštvu.
Drugi koncert, “Alter Ego” (utorak, 31.10.2023. u 20:00) programira djela bosanskohercegovačkih, grčkih, francuskih, palestinskih i švicarskih kompozitora s težištem na solističku i kamernu muziku, kao izraza drugog (muzičkog) ja.
“Progressions” (srijeda, 1.11.2023. u 20:00), treći i završni koncert ovogodišnjeg SONEMUS Festa tematizira muzičku improvizaciju, kao izraz da se sloboda/stvaralaštvo može ne samo kontemplirati i teoretizirati, već i živjeti/muzicirati.
Svi koncerti održati će se u sali Muzičke akademije Univerziteta u Sarajevu, J. Štadlera 1/II, Sarajevo.
U vremenima uznapredovale buke i bijesa, samo umjetnički oblikovan zvuk (i/li umjetnost uopće) može pružiti smisao i barem neku nadu za budućnost.
Ališer Sijarić
It is our honour and pleasure to invite you to SONEMUS Fest, the only festival of contemporary art music in Bosnia and Herzegovina, that has endured and prospered for more than 22 years.
In this historical moment, when once again we witness unbridgeable, irreconcilable and often bloody conflicts of (political/cultural/religious/ethnic, etc.) identities, it appears that we are globally abandoning the ideals of social progress based on universal humanistic values, and consequently the concept of liberty as a basic human right and legacy. In our conformist reduction of social progress solely to technological development, mistakenly believing this will absolve us of our own responsibility, confined to our identities and virtual “truth” bubbles, we are gradually sinking into a high-tech feudalism that inevitably explodes into outbursts of irrational aggression.
Since Beethoven until today, the tradition of art music has been promoting the universality of human freedom to create. (Freedom is always creative and destruction is its opposite.) In this spirit, this year’s SONEMUS Fest represents a strong (artistic) resistance against the status quo.
With the first concert “Hommage à Ligeti” (Monday, October 30, 2023 at 8 pm) SONEMUS pays tribute to one of the most important composers of the 20th century, György Ligeti and celebrates the centenary of his birth. In addition to the national premiere of some of his original works, this concert will also feature compositions by other composers dedicated or related to Ligeti’s immense oeuvre, such is the work by young Bosnian composer Hanan Hadžajlić, as well as the composition for 2 pianos tuned quartertone apart by internationally renowned Georg Friedrich Haas. An introductory lecture about the life and work of György Ligeti will be held before the concert at 7 pm.
The second concert “Alter Ego” (Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 8 pm) presents works by Bosnian, Greek, French, Palestinian and Swiss composers, featuring primarily works for soloists as a reflection of an imagined (musical) second self.
“Progressions” (Wednesday November 1, 2023 at 8 pm) is the title of the third and final concert of the festival and it thematizes musical improvisation as an artistic praxis and statement that the freedom (of creation) is not there only to be contemplated for the sake of theory, but to be fully enjoyed.
All the concerts will be held at the Concert Hall of the Music Academy, Josipa Štadlera 1, 2nd floor, Sarajevo.
In times when noise and rage prevail, only the art of music (and art in general) can provide meaning and some hope for the future.
Ališer Sijarić
30/10 I 20.00h
Muzička akademija Univerziteta u Sarajevu /
Academy of Music – University of Sarajevo
Hanan Hadžajlić, flauta / flute
Armin Smriko, klarinet / clarinet
Igor Lazić, horna / horn
Violeta Smailović-Huart, violina / violin
Lorena Milina, violina / violin
Zlatan Božuta, klavir / piano
Ivan Galić, klavir / piano
Marko Bogdanović, klavir / piano
Fuad Šetić, dirigent / conductor
György Ligeti (HU)
Hanan Hadžajlić (BiH)
G. F. Haas (AT/USA)
1. György Ligeti (1923–2006): Musica ricercata (1951-1953)
II Mesto, rigido e cerimoniale
Zlatan Božuta, klavir / piano
2. Hanan Hadžajlić (b. 1991): Homo ex Machina: Hommage à Ligeti (2016/17)
Hanan Hadžajlić, flauta / flute
Armin Smriko, klarinet / clarinet
Lorena Milina, violina / violin
Zlatan Božuta, klavir / piano
Fuad Šetić, dirigent / conductor
3. György Ligeti (1923–2006): Études (1985-2001)
no. 5 Arc-en-ciel
no. 10 Der Zauberlehrling
Ivan Galić, klavir / piano
4. György Ligeti (1923–2006): Trio for violin, horn and piano (1982)
Violeta Smailović-Huart, violina / violin
Igor Lazić, horna / horn
Marko Bogdanović, klavir / piano
5. Georg Friedrich Haas (b. 1953): Trois hommages (1982-1984)
Hommage à Ligeti (1984)
Zlatan Božuta, klavir / piano
31/10 I 20.00h
Muzička akademija Univerziteta u Sarajevu /
Academy of Music – University of Sarajevo
Armin Smriko, klarinet / clarinet
Rijad Šarić, saksofon / saxophone
James Aylward, fagot i bas bubanja / bassoon & bass drum
Tamara Arsovski, violina / violin
Belma Alić, violončelo / cello
Belma Šarančić, harmonika / accordion
Georges Aperghis (GR)
Hanan Hadžajlić (BiH)
Philippe Leroux (FR/CA)
Michael Jarrell (CH)
Ališer Sijarić (BiH)
Samir Odeh-Tamimi (PS/DE)
1. Georges Aperghis (b. 1945): Alter Ego (2001)
Rijad Šarić, tenor saksofon / tenor saxophone
2. Hanan Hadžajlić (b. 1991): Concerto Transhuman (2016/2017)* BH premiere
I Brain Building (Quartet)
II Artificial Breathing
III Fear Transplantation: Code Generator
James Aylward, fagot i bas bubanj / bassoon & bass drum
3. Philippe Leroux (b. 1959): De l’epaisseur (1998)
Tamara Arsovski, violina / violin
Belma Alić, violončelo / cello
Belma Šarančić, harmonika / accordion
4. Michael Jarrell (b. 1958): Assonance (1983)
Armin Smriko, klarinet / clarinet
5. Ališer Sijarić (b. 1969): Le vent aux Anches (2013)
Rijad Šarić, sopran saksofon / soprano saxophone
Belma Šarančić, harmonika / accordion
6. Samir Odeh-Tamimi (b. 1970): Tslalím (2007)
Belma Šarančić, harmonika / accordion
November 1 I 20:00
Muzička akademija Univerziteta u Sarajevu /
Academy of Music – University of Sarajevo
Hanan Hadžajlić, flauta / flute
James Aylward, fagot / bassoon
Impro ansambl MAS / Impro Ensemble MAS:
Aras Samardžija, klarinet / clarinet
Mirza Sijerčić, saksofon / saxophone
Rijad Šarić, saksofon / saxophone
Benjamin Drijenčić, truba / trumpet
Emili Mišić, udaraljke / percussion
Teo Udović, udaraljke / percussion
Tea Stanković, gitara / guitar
Mirza Gološ, klavir / piano
Safet Tahirović, harmonika / accordion
Sara Barbara Bilela, violina / violin
Alex Mateescu, violina / violin
Arijan Radoja, viola
Selma Sulejmanagić, viola
Alja Šabanović, viola
Fuad Šetić, dirigent / conductor
Dino Rešidbegović (BiH)
Adrian Kleinlosen (DE)
Impro Ensemble MAS (BiH)
1. Dino Rešidbegović (b. 1975): Wreesky III (2016)
Hanan Hadžajlić, flauta i procesori / flute & processors
2. Adrian Kleinlosen (b. 1987): Jazz Fetzen (2015/16)
James Aylward, fagot i elektronika / bassoon & electronics
3. Impro Ensemble MAS: S p a C E t t e r n s (2023)
4. Impro Ensemble MAS: Impro Concept 33 (2023)
5. Impro Ensemble MAS: Musica ricercata 100 – Hommage à Ligeti (2023)
Fuad Šetić, dirigent / conductor
6. Impro Ensemble MAS: Progression (2023)
Ulaz slobodan / Free admission
▪️ 30/10 I 19:00
📍 Muzička akademija Univerziteta u Sarajevu /
Academy of Music – University of Sarajevo
“Hommage à Ligeti“
ALIŠER SIJARIĆ, kompozitor, umjetnički direktor SONEMUS Festa, dekan Muzičke akademije Univerziteta u Sarajevu /
Composer, artistic director of the SONEMUS Fest, dean of the Academy of Music – University of Sarajevo
▪️ 31/10 I 10:30
📍 Muzička akademija Univerziteta u Sarajevu /
Academy of Music – University of Sarajevo
Akteulni fenomeni savremenog muzičkog života: razgovor/razmjena ideja sa Christine Fischer, umjetnička direktorica Musik der Jahrhunderte Stuttgart, menadžerica Neue Vocalsolisten i umjetnička direktorica New Music Festival ECLAT /
The current phenomena of new music life: A conversation/exchange of ideas with Christine Fischer, artistic director of Musik der Jahrhunderte Stuttgart, manager of the Neue Vocalsolisten and artistic director of the New Music Festival ECLAT
➡️ Ulaz slobodan / Free admission
▪️ 29/10 I 15:30
📍 Muzička akademija Univerziteta u Sarajevu /
Academy of Music – University of Sarajevo
IGOR LAZIĆ, horna / horn
Radionica za studente horne / workshop for horn students
▪️ 1/11 I 11:30
📍 Muzička akademija Univerziteta u Sarajevu /
Academy of Music – University of Sarajevo
JAMES AYLWARD, fagot / bassoon
Radionica za kompozitore / Workshop for composers
➡️ Ulaz slobodan / Free admission
SONEMUS FEST 2022: October 15-19, Sarajevo
SONEMUS FEST 2019: April 11-18, Sarajevo
It is our honor and pleasure to invite you to SONEMUS FEST 2019.
In the experience formed by new media, sound and image have ceased to be comprehended as separate sensations: absence is substituted by virtual presence, sound appears without its physical source, and image transforms into sound movement (and vice versa). This year’s issue of SONEMUS FEST explores this new kind of art, in which the interaction of image and sound creates fascinating and inextricable textures of a synesthetic art-form.
The festival consists of 3 concerts:
- Tuesday, April 16, 2019, Cinema “Imperijal”/Brew Imperial Society (Maršala Tita street 56, Sarajevo), at 8 pm: Black Box Music is an interactive piece by Danish composer, performer and sound-artist Simon Steen-Andersen in which music, theatre and video intertwine in a dynamic and exciting way; the Concerto for violin and ensemble by Bosnian composer Ališer Sijarić will have its first performance; and a trio by Australian-Swiss composer, Paul Clift, completes the concert program. The SONEMUS Ensemble (in its largest edition so far) is conducted by Matthias Kuhn, and Carlota Cáceres—movement—and Violeta Smailović-Huart—violin—will perform as soloists.
- Wednesday, April 17, 2019, Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina Hall (Zelenih Beretki street ,2 , Sarajevo) at 8 pm. ENTRANCE – FREE!: The Swiss ensemble Proton Bern performs works that combine improvisation on a tape-recorder with traditional instruments in a piece by young Swiss composer Antoine Chessex, with Jérome Noetinger as soloist on tape-recorder, as well as on modular synthesizers in a new composition by Dino Rešidbegović. Entrance fee for this concert is free.
- Thursday, April 18, 2019, Cinema “Imperijal”/Brew Imperial Society (Maršala Tita street 56, Sarajevo), at 6.30 pm: A concert with Ensemble Mosaik Berlin, internationally renowned for their performance of interactive works combining music and live-video, featuring works by Michael Beil, Johannes Kreidler, Ricardo Eizirik and Niklas Seidl. Also, a new work by young Bosnian composer Hanan Hadžajlić will have its world premiere.
Meet the future of the arts!
Tickets for concerts on 16th and 18th can be found on, at their offices; at Cinema “Imperijal”/Brew Imperial Society (Maršala Tita street 56, Sarajevo) Mon.- Sat. 4 – 10 pm, as well as half-an-hour before the beginning of the concert at the event location.
This edition of the festival is dedicated to the memory of our friend and collaborator, Denis Šparavalo.
Sonemus Fest 2018, April 16 – 21, Sarajevo
SONEMUS ensemble with premieres by Antoine Fachard and Ališer Sijarić, as well as Works by Richard Barrett and Brian Ferneyhough.
Sonemus Fest 2018, April 16 – 21, Sarajevo
SONEMUS ensemble with premieres by Antoine Fachard and Ališer Sijarić, as well as Works by Richard Barrett and Brian Ferneyhough.
Workshops with Richard Barrett, Antoine Fachard and Ališer Sijarić.
SONEMUS workshops for instrumentalists: April 19 – 21
Guest composers: Richard Barrett (UK), Antoine Fachard (CH), Ališer Sijarić (BiH)
Previous Event: Sonemus Fest 2017, April 2-9, 2017, Sarajevo
Concert Programme
Friday, April 7th 2017, 7:30 pm PRE-ART Soloists (CH) Works by: Vinko Globokar: Septuor par treize sources (2017) – premiere Stefan Wirth: Lieux de mémoire (2017) – premiere Deniz Nurhat (*1989): Kurkku for ensemble (2016) Marijana Janevska (*1990): Transfiguration for ensemble (2016) Michel Roth (*1976): Aria for Doublebass solo (2016) Matthias Arter (*1964): Medusa, Fuga a 5 voci for ensemble (2015) | Saturday, April 8th 2017, 7:30 pm SONEMUS Ensemble (BiH/CH) Works by: Ališer Sijarić (*1975): Noise Prevails (2015) Martin Jaggi (*1978): Plod on for violin, viola, cello and piano (2007) Marko Nikodijević (*1980): Music box / Selbstportrait mit Ligeti und Strawinsky (und Messiaen ist auch dabei) (2003) György Ligeti (1923-2006): Chamber Concerto for 13 instrumentalists (1969-1970) | Sunday, April 9th 2017, 7:30 pm Ensemble NEOFONIA (SLO) Works by: Uroš Rojko (*1954): Neofonía – new work (2017) Christophe Bertrand (1981-2010): La Chute de Rouge (2000) Hanan Hadžajlić (*1991): new work (2017) Dieter Ammann (*1962): Cute (2011) Urška Pompe (*1969): And, through and over everything (2017) |
It is our honour and pleasure to invite you to SONEMUS FEST 2017.
In a room full of clocks, each beating out its own pulse, mechanical time transcends into an auditory landscape, rippling like the surface of the sea. Labyrinths of the imagination open up for the attentive listener/viewer, filled with mirrors reflecting unsuspected, hidden contours of the self. DIS/C/LOC/K/ATION, a play on words intertwining clock and dislocation, denotes non-linear, “disjointed” time as measured by our internal clocks, freed from the constraints of mechanical predetermination. In keeping with the programme motto, the compositions at this year’s festival are also (each in its own way) precisely crafted mechanisms, fine-tuned by their creators to do the impossible: measure the immeasurable.
The festival consists of three concerts:
PRE-ART [PreArt Soloists (CH)] featuring the world premiere of the newest piece by the French-Slovenian doyenne of avant-garde music, Vinko Globokar (internationally, the most renowned composer from former Yugoslavia); the announcement of the international competition Pre-Art 2017 for young composers winner and the performance of the three best compositions by Matko Brekalo (HR), Deniz Nurhat (TR), and Marijana Janevska (MK); and the programme will also include works by the Swiss composers Matthias Arter and Stefan Wirth.
CLOCKWORKS[SONEMUS Ensemble (BiH/CH), cond. Edo Mičić (AT/HR)] will present the masterpiece of contemporary artistic music by György Ligeti, Kammerkonzert for 13 instruments, and a composition that directly invokes Ligeti, Music Box by the young German-Serbian composer, Marko Nikodijević. The concert programme will also feature the composition of Bosnian composer Ališer Sijarić, Noise Prevails, and a composition by the Swiss composer Martin Jaggi.
NEOFONIA [Ensemble Neofonia (SI), cond. Steven Loy (USA/SI)] brings us the world premieres of new compositions by the prominent Slovenian contemporary composer Uroš Rojko, as well as the young Urška Pompe. The concert will also feature the premiere of a composition by the young Bosnian composer and flautist Hanan Hadžajlić. In addition, we will have the Bosnian premiere of significant compositions by one of the founders of the ‘French school’ spectralism, Tristan Murail, as well as composition by Christophe Bertrand, whom we lost so tragically early in his young life. The programme will also include the work of a prominent Swiss contemporary composer Dieter Ammann.
All concerts will be held at the BiH Armed Forces Hall (Zelenih Beretki 2, Sarajevo) beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Admission to all concerts is free.
Guest composers will also hold public lectures about their works, as well as classes for composition course participants. The guest composers are:
Vinko Globokar – April 7, 2017 at 10 AM
Marko Nikodijević – April 8, 2017 at 10 AM
Uroš Rojko – April 9, 2017 at 10 AM
Urška Pompe – April 9, 2017 at 2 PM
All lectures and workshops will be held at the Ars Aevi Depot (Centar Skenderija, Dom mladih, Terezija b.b., Sarajevo).
It is our honour and pleasure to invite you to the SONEMUS FEST 2016. The title of this year’s edition, TRANCEGRESSION, is a hybrid formed by joining two English/French words: trance – a half-conscious state of mind between dream and reality, and transgression – violation of legal or social norms. This years programme explores the world of musical hybrids which combine contemporary artistic music and various genres of pop music, such as psychedelic rock, trance, acid house etc. However, unlike typical hybrids such as „decaffeinated coffee“ (S.Žižek), or „religion without God“ (R.Dworkin), which are deprived of their basic substance, combining musical genres sometimes produces new authentic qualities which subliminally resonate within us.
14.04.2016 CONCERT ACID RAIN Gagliano Ensemble (GB) + Sonemus (BiH/CH) Works by: Boulez Eizirik Gabryś Gordon Sijarić Xenakis | 15.04.2016 CONCERT BAD TRIP Sonemus (BiH/CH/GB) Works by: Boulez Furrer Hadžajlić Romitelli Sciarrino Zea | 16.04.2016 CONCERT LOONEY TUNES Platypus Ensemble (AT) Works by: Bešlic-Gál Eizirik Ferneyhough Kaiser Lang Rešidbegović Svetlichny |
Previous event: SONEMUS FEST 2015 – Sonic Boom
In a world saturated by cacophony of outdated and failed ideas and beliefs, disguised as high technology hybrids accommodated as easy and fast consumption, the true art of sound appears like a subversive explosion of sense in the ear/mind of a careful listener. SONEMUS FEST is dedicated to precisely this kind of music – the music based on genuine creativity and originality of artistic expression, meant to be confronted by the audience (not to be consumed).
The concerts were performed by talented young musicians from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Switzerland, guided by the doyen of the European music scene, conductor and composer Jürg Wyttenbach.